Wednesday, May 20, 2009

De inimico non loquaris sed cogites

Wednesday again..
I'm longing for the weekend, I'm accually off this weekend too. And this weekend is a long weekend, three days to be exact. :-D
Anyway, time flies while being here. I can't believe it's already been eigth months. Only four months left. Holy baloney.. This means thet next month is the month I have to start planing my homegoing!
Well, I have stuff to do.. So..


Friday, May 15, 2009

Bene, cum Latine nescias, nolo manus meas in te maculare..

Finally figured out how to post the posts. :-P Had this blog for a month, but haven't had energy to figure it out..
Oh, well. It's been a long week for me, my hostkids have been sick so guess who's been working the whole week? You guessed right, me.
Anyway, it's now finally weekend. Been longing for this weekend because no one is home exept me! :-D I've a movieweekend planed, going to be fun. I have lots of movies to watch!
Enough for this time!